Debt Advice to Weird Fish

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Debt Advice


Multichannel retail



Argyll Debt Advisory acted for the group in raising debt facilities to support the next three years of Weird Fish’s growth. Argyll assisted with negotiations throughout to achieve a successful outcome.

Highlights included:

  • helped to raise increased debt support, including trade finance facilities

  • competitive pricing

  • drove the process to a timely conclusion

Group Finance and IT Director Jon Goodwin commented:

“Argyll played a critical role in the re-financing process; their knowledge and expertise regarding our funding requirements and the market was a clear benefit to the process. They introduced potential partners that could meet our requirements having challenged the businesses forecasts to ensure the future needs were fully understood by all involved. The offers generated by Argyll were bespoke to our requirements, allowing lenders to focus on the right areas, and they presented competitively priced proposals which were delivered on time."